Keep you

Can I keep you, she said.
You’ve always had me, he replied.

Not yet

She gave him a light enough jab to his arm to show her annoyance with what he just said, and he felt it – he knew. But he was grateful she allowed him to continue to walk beside her, to gain time to explain. He knew she was unimpressed – hopefully only temporarily, but her patience and tolerance for his childish idiotic moments was something that never seemed to wane. She’s in control and could tell him to leave, but instead, she continues to listen and sense him occasionally turn his head towards her, smiling, trying to catch her looking back at him. They both know. Not yet.


You threw another bag of coal on the fire, and we watched it flame as our new friendship became alight. Hours passed in each other’s company, talking of travel, politics, and life. No time was wasted with small talk. We only had this night. When daylight seeped through the drawn curtains and the fire began to cinder, we knew those last sparks we shared were just as beautiful as the first.

Favourite kind

I ache for soft subtle romance 
and long for you to make me sigh so
because you're my favourite kind of everything

The half-eaten Mars bar

There was a Mars bar in your fridge, that had been carefully cut in half. One half was gone. The other… you probably thought you’d have later.
Later arrived, but you weren’t there to see it.
Instead, you left us with an irreplaceable void and a half-eaten Mars bar.
But, we knew you’d want us to fill it and finish it. The void and the half-eaten Mars bar.
Whilst the void of you will never fade or be completely filled, we try – we promise we’re not wasting time.
Also, the other half of the Mars bar was delicious. We didn’t waste that either.

Spin another

On our first date, we spent an afternoon in the local record store.

As we flipped through 33s, 45s and 78s, we shared our favourites; enthusiastically listing must and need to listen to’s.

I love that we still do this. After all this time.

what you say to me

I don’t think I can			
        you love me
I can get you to do that
        you could help me
I could be that if only you -
	you don’t hear what you say to me

I don’t think I could’ve			
        you loved me
I can still get you to do that
        you could’ve helped me
I could be that if only you -
	you still don’t hear what you say to me

I could be that if only you –
I can get you to do that
I don’t think I can
	you love me
	you could help me

you still don’t hear what you say to me
you loved me
you could’ve helped me
	I don’t think I could’ve

Piercing – 7

There’s a beat, which goes by in a blink, yet feels painfully drawn out.

Paul doesn’t dare breathe. He knows he’s said too much of the ‘wrong thing,’ and doesn’t want to anger her further by exhaling loudly.

Looking into her full, big and he thinks, Oh, so beautiful hazel eyes, and at the way she is beginning to clench her jaw, he realises that simply sitting opposite her, is making her silently scream. They both know that anything he did or said right now wouldn’t ease this precise moment. Or this relationship.

So, they sit.


It’s their loss, they say, and that may be true, and I try to believe that, but why is it I always feel I’m the one who loses?


I loved the way you filled your arms with me.